40 mustang insecticide label
MUSTANG® MAXX INSECTICIDE | FMC Ag US With the broadest label on the market, Mustang Maxx insecticide builds on its unique pyrethroid chemistry to effectively control more than 100 pests on 200 crops including corn, soybeans, alfalfa, rice, wheat, sunflowers and pasture. For proven, broad-spectrum insect control, look no further than Mustang Maxx insecticide. Quick Facts Label | Valent Asana® XL Insecticide - Label | SDS Label. Label - 2015-ASAXL-0001. 2EE. 2EE - 18 States Or Territories - FOR CONTROL OF SPOTTED WING DROSOPHILA IN APPLE, PEAR, & ... (Expires 2025-12-31) 2EE - NY - FOR CONTROL OF SPOTTED WING DROSOPHILA IN APPLE, PEAR, & STONE FRUIT (Expires 2025-12-31) Applicable States: NY. 2EE - 2 States Or Territories ...
PDF RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE FIFRA Section 24(c) - Michigan all applicable directions, restrictions, and precautions on the mustang maxx insecticide (epa reg no. 279-3426), epa registered label are to be followed. personal protective equipment and reentry intervals on the basic label must be ... mustang maxx sln tart cherry label, 24c sln label, tart cherry, mustang maxx, insecticide, mi-180005
Mustang insecticide label
PDF Insecticide Personal Protective Equipment - Morris Grain Mustang MAX_3_4-16-2003 HOTLINE NUMBER Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison con-trol center or doctor, or going for treatment. You may also contact 1-800-331-3148 for emergency medical treatment information. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS Hazards to Humans (and Domestic Animals) Warning May be fatal if swallowed. MUSTANG® INSECTICIDE | FMC Ag US Mustang insecticide is the standard for broad-spectrum pest control with one of the largest crop labels on the market—125 to be exact. The unique pyrethroid chemistry of Mustang insecticide means that multiple pest threats can be controlled, reducing vectored diseases that can affect plant health.
Mustang insecticide label. MUSTANG® INSECTICIDE | FMC Ag US Mustang insecticide is the standard for broad-spectrum pest control with one of the largest crop labels on the market—125 to be exact. The unique pyrethroid chemistry of Mustang insecticide means that multiple pest threats can be controlled, reducing vectored diseases that can affect plant health. PDF Insecticide Personal Protective Equipment - Morris Grain Mustang MAX_3_4-16-2003 HOTLINE NUMBER Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison con-trol center or doctor, or going for treatment. You may also contact 1-800-331-3148 for emergency medical treatment information. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS Hazards to Humans (and Domestic Animals) Warning May be fatal if swallowed.
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