44 sterling blue herbicide
Effect of Dicamba Formulations and Planting Date on Different Corn Products The unsafened dicamba formulation was Sterling Blue® herbicide at a rate of 0.5 qt/acre. The safened dicamba formulation was DiFlexx® herbicide at a rate of 0.5 qt/acre. All dicamba treatments, including the non-dicamba check, were applied on 6/24/20 in combination with Delaro® 325 SC fungicide (0.125 qt/acre), Roundup PowerMAX® herbicide ... STERLING BLUE Trademark of WINFIELD SOLUTIONS, LLC - Justia Justia Trademarks Categories Pharmaceuticals STERLING BLUE - Trademark Details. STERLING BLUE - Trademark Details. Status: 800 - Registered And Renewed. Serial Number. 77121931. Registration Number. 3370103. Word Mark. STERLING BLUE. Status. 800 - Registered And Renewed. Status Date. 2017-10-31. Filing Date. 2007-03-05. Registration Number.
PDF Sterling Blue - CDMS Sterling Blue Herbicide For weed control in asparagus, conservation reserve programs, corn, cotton, fallow croplands, general farmstead (noncropland), sorghum, grass grown for seed, hay, proso millet, pasture, rangeland, small grains, sod farms and farmstead turf, soybean, and sugarcane. Active Ingredient:
Sterling blue herbicide
Agriculture Products - WinField® United WinField United has an extensive portfolio of herbicides to build a comprehensive, season-long weed management plan so your crops have the advantage. And, our herbicides are backed by rigorous testing, reliable data and local agronomic support. You can bet that we'll be there for you to help keep the weeds out of your fields. Featured products 228-615-1381 Sterling Blue DGA 20190208 237 1381 .pdf Sterling Blue DGA ... 228-615-1381 Sterling Blue DGA 20190208 237 1381 .pdf Sterling Blue DGA H Herbicide For weed control in asparagus, conservation reserve programs, corn, cotton, fallow croplands, general farmstead (noncropland), sorghum, grass grown for seed, hay, proso millet, pasture, rangeland, oats, barley, wheat, triticale, soybean, sugarcane, and sod turf. PDF Sterling Blue Safety Data Sheet - CDMS Sterling Blue® (EPA Reg # 7969-137-1381) Safety Data Sheet . Revision Date: 16 - MAY - 2018 . 1 of 5 . SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Sterling Blue® EPA Registration #: 7969-137-1381 Check product packaging to ensure EPA registration number on package matches the number on this Safety Data Sheet Common Name: Dicamba Herbicide
Sterling blue herbicide. Products - CommoditAg Success: has been saved for later! Not finding what you're looking for? We have relationships with many of the top suppliers and can often supply products not currently in stock. Please submit a Quote Request or contact customer service at (217) 690-5100 or customer.service@commoditag.com and we will look for products that meet your needs. << < 1 Dryland Corn Production Systems in a Tough Environment Treatments 9 through 12 were planted to Pioneer® brand corn products and received a pre-emergence herbicide application of Cinch® ATZ herbicide (2.25 qt/acre), Sterling Blue® herbicide (0.125 qt/acre), Durango® DMA® herbicide (1.1 qt/acre) and AMS (17 lb/100 gal), and a V6 application of Sterling Blue herbicide (0.25 qt/acre), AAtrex 4L ... Clarity® Herbicide - BASF Clarity herbicide takes care of a wide variety of weeds. With Clarity, you have the versatility to deal with unpredictable spring weather, since its wide application window extends from as early as five to seven days after planting until 36", tall corn. Clarity provides consistent, economic control of weeds like waterhemp, kochia, dandelion ... PDF Sterling Blue 7969-137-1381 001057 Label - Agrian STERLING BLUE ™ herbicide is a water-soluble formulation intended for control and suppression of many annual, biennial, and perennial broadleaf weeds, as well as woody brush and vines listed in Table 1. General Weed List, Including ALS- and Triazine-Resistant Biotypes. STERLING BLUE™ may be used for control of these weeds in asparagus, corn,
XtendFlex Soybeans - Beck's Hybrids Backed by uncompromising yield potential and outstanding agronomic performance in all maturities, Beck's lineup of XtendFlex® soybeans are built on the proven genetic performance of high-yielding Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans. Beck's has a range of relative maturities still available in XtendFlex soybeans from 0.7 to 4.8. PDF HERBICIDEH F M A ST GP Sterling Blue - DoMyOwn.com With a single application, Sterling Blue® herbicide delivers a wide range of highly effective weed control. Sterling Blue® herbicide control extends to even the toughest ALS- and triazine-resistant weeds, such as waterhemp and kochia, while providing excellent crop safety. Sterling Blue Herbicide - DoMyOwn.com The Sterling Blue Herbicide also targets vines in corn, fallow systems, grain sorghum, woody brush, and other crops. May be applied as a preemergence or as a postemergence herbicide until the corn reaches 36 inches high. It is fast-acting and can kill weeds in just one application. Reichman Sales & Service | Reichman Sales & Service Products Sterling ® Blue Herbicide Category Herbicides Manufacturer Winfield Solutions, LLC Documents MSDS Qty. Needed Pack Size Disclaimer Purchaser is responsible to read the Product Label and Use requirements for this product.
PDF Burndown Herbicides for Corn and Soybean - Purdue University Herbicide Formulation Rimsulfuron.+.thifensulfuron.(active.ingredient)Basis. 75DF. Thifensulfuron + tribenuron (active ingredient)Harmony Extra 50DF Nimble, TNT Broadleaf 75WDG Tribenuron (active ingredient)Express 50DF Nuance. 75WDG. Product Rate Range .1/3.-.1.oz 0.75 ‑ 0.9 oz 0.5 ‑ 0.6 oz 0.25 ‑ 0.5 oz 1/6.-.1/3.oz Sterling Blue Herbicide - picol.cahnrs.wsu.edu Sterling Blue® Herbicide ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS DO NOTapply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. DO NOTcontaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters or rinsate. Apply this product only as directed on the label. PDF Indiana Restricted Use Pesticides Dicamba 2/10/2022 Product Name ... - Oisc agrisolutions sterling blue herbicide winfield solutions llc 42750‐209‐1381 agrisolutions sterling blue herbicide winfield solutions llc 7969‐137‐1381 ... m1691 herbicide bayer cropscience lp 524‐582 opti‐dga herbicide helena chemical company 5905‐597 ... PDF DICAMBA RUP REGISTERED IN INDIANA - Purdue University agrisolutions sterling blue herbicide winfield solutions llc 42750-209-1381 agrisolutions sterling blue herbicide winfield solutions llc ... strut herbicide loveland products inc 34704-1043 tavium plus vaporgrip technology syngenta crop protection 100-1623 topeka rotam north america inc ...
Sterling® Blue Herbicide | WinField United - WinField® United Control of emerged broadleaf weeds and grasses in LibertyLink® or glufosinate-tolerant crops. Total® Herbicide Added crop protection that can control many annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in corn, soybeans and cotton. Charger Max® Herbicide articles The latest insights and data Article • Research and Development Sep 01, 2022
PDF Jul 1 4 20i| - Us Epa Herbicide for weed control in asparagus, conservation reserve programs, corn, cotton, fallow croplands, forestry sites, general farmstead (non-cropland), sorghum, grass grown for seed, hay, proso millet, pasture, rangeland, rights-of way, small grains, soybean, sugarcane, and turf.
PDF Sterling Label 0I174 - Colorado State University STERLING is a water-soluble formulation that can be applied using water or sprayable fluid fertilizer as the carrier. If a fluid fertilizer is to be used, a compatibility test (See COMPATIBILITY TEST) should be made prior to tank mixing. Ground or aerial application equipment, which will give good spray coverage of weed foliage, should be used.
Sterling Blue | Winfield United | Agworld DBX | Greenbook View the product label for Sterling Blue from Winfield United. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, powered by Greenbook. ... Herbicide. WSSA mode of action 4 Action like indole acetic acid (synthetic auxins) Registration EPA: 7969-137-1381.
PDF Sterling Blue Herbicide - Amazon Web Services Page 1 of 34 . Sterling® Blue Herbicide Herbicide for weed control in asparagus, conservation reserve programs, corn, cotton, fallow croplands, forestry sites, general farmstead (non-cropland), sorghum, grass grown for seed, hay, proso millet,
Shop | FBN - Farmers Business Network If the problem persists, please contact support@farmersbusinessnetwork.com.
Agronomy Products | Southern States Co-op Win the Battle Against Bugs in Your Beans Scout soybeans early to keep unseen infestations from curbing yields Protect against yield-robbing insect damage by scouting soybean fields even before the planter rolls. Let your Southern States Cooperative agronomy... Don't wait to wage the weed war Timely herbicide application is key to clean fields
Search for Pesticide Products - California Query Parameters. Chemicals: DIGLYCOLAMINE SALT OF 3,6-DICHLORO-O-ANISIC ACID (5007) Active Chemicals only. 10 product labels match. Any product listed below, which includes the term "Master Label" in front of the product brand name, may not be sold or used in California. Put a check by all the products you would like more details on.
PDF Material Safety Data Sheet - Agrian STERLING BLUE EPA Reg. No. 7969-137-1381 1. Substance/preparation and company identification Company 24 Hour Emergency Response Information Agriliance, LLC CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 P.O. Box 64089, St. Paul, MN 551645-0089 Medical Information: 1-877-424-7452 Substance number:
PDF Sterling Blue Safety Data Sheet - CDMS Sterling Blue® (EPA Reg # 7969-137-1381) Safety Data Sheet . Revision Date: 16 - MAY - 2018 . 1 of 5 . SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Sterling Blue® EPA Registration #: 7969-137-1381 Check product packaging to ensure EPA registration number on package matches the number on this Safety Data Sheet Common Name: Dicamba Herbicide
228-615-1381 Sterling Blue DGA 20190208 237 1381 .pdf Sterling Blue DGA ... 228-615-1381 Sterling Blue DGA 20190208 237 1381 .pdf Sterling Blue DGA H Herbicide For weed control in asparagus, conservation reserve programs, corn, cotton, fallow croplands, general farmstead (noncropland), sorghum, grass grown for seed, hay, proso millet, pasture, rangeland, oats, barley, wheat, triticale, soybean, sugarcane, and sod turf.
Agriculture Products - WinField® United WinField United has an extensive portfolio of herbicides to build a comprehensive, season-long weed management plan so your crops have the advantage. And, our herbicides are backed by rigorous testing, reliable data and local agronomic support. You can bet that we'll be there for you to help keep the weeds out of your fields. Featured products
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